Terms and Conditions
- OnlineTroefcall is not responsible for the theft of users' accounts and data. But we do our best to protect users' data and privacy.
- Except for private conversations, all messages and posts by users in various parts of the game can be accessed by game supervisors for up to a few days to monitor user behaviors and actions.
- Any insult in any language is prohibited in all parts of the game, and supervisors have the right to sanction the user in case of abuse. Even if the actions of that user are not reported by another player.
- The text of private conversations is considered to be private. These messages are stored on the OnlineTroefcall server but are not accessible by supervisors. But either party can send the conversation text to any moderator for review, in which case the other party has no right to object to the publication of messages.
- Offline messages are private, and supervisors do not have access to them. The recipient of the private message can send the received message to reviewers for review. In this case, the message's sender does not have the right to object to its publication.
- User sent texts are stored in the server for several months in all parts of the game.
- Users can report other players' offenses to be reviewed and acted upon by supervisors in the game.
- Complaints about the abuse have been fully vested in OnlineTroefcall, and no one has the right to object to OnlineTroefcall treatment of offenders.
- Any exchange of real and digital currency and any online betting are prohibited. OnlineTroefcall can ban abusers with complete discretion.
- It is forbidden to conduct political discussions in OnlineTroefcall
- Uploading a profile picture means posting it publicly. OnlineTroefcall is not responsible for the abuse of the image. OnlineTroefcall can show profile pictures wherever he wants (For example, on the OnlineTroefcall's web site or any place in the game)
- Sexually explicit content containing pornographic content is not permitted.
- It is forbidden to send sex-related messages in any part of the game.
- Posting content against a group of communities anywhere in the world is forbidden.
- Posting inappropriate content for teens and children is prohibited in all parts of the game.
- Email address and mobile number used when signing up in OnlineTroefcall are assumed as your authenticators. Unfortunately, in case of loss of access to your mobile number or email address, OnlineTroefcall cannot help you unless you can prove your account ownership.
- These rules may be changed in the future by OnlineTroefcall.